Cyberpunk: Edgerunners is an award-winning anime series currently available on Netflix, created through a collaboration between CD PROJEKT RED and Studio TRIGGER. Set in the dystopian world of Cyberpunk 2077, the series follows a young protagonist, David Martinez, who steps into the world of Night City due to a tragic event, setting him on the path to becoming an outlaw mercenary—a "cyberpunk."
The series explores how far an individual is willing to push beyond their limits, both physically and emotionally. What fate awaits our protagonist in a city where life is disposable and greed dominates?
【Content Details】
Episodes: All 10 episodes
Main Discs: 4 discs + additional items
Audio: Japanese (5.1ch, 2.0ch), English (2.0ch)
Subtitles: Japanese, English, Korean, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese
【Special Features】
Exclusive illustrated jacket
Special booklet
Episode 10 storyboard art book
Cel-style illustration sheet
2nd Anniversary illustration poster
*Specifications and bonuses may be subject to change
【TRIGGER Exclusive Bonus】
Lucy Nendoroid signed by Hiroyuki Imaishi
*Available via lottery sale
*Only 1 item per person is allowed
*The package is signed
■Lottery Application Period(JST)
December 14, 2024 (Fri) 00:00 to December 22, 2024 (Sun) 23:59
■Shipping Schedule
Expected to begin shipping in June 2025
We sincerely appreciate your application for the lottery item.
This is to inform you that the results of the lottery (win or lose) will be sent to applicants earlier than initially planned, adjusted to early January 2025.
If you win, your application will be processed as an order, and payment will be charged around June 2025, when the item is scheduled to ship.
If you do not win, your application will be canceled, and no charges will apply.
Regarding the non-lottery bundle listed below, reservations will be accepted until 23:59 JST on Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
If you do not win the lottery sale, we hope that you reconsider preordering the non-lottery bundle.
Additionally, all reservations made during the stated period will guarantee a purchase, so we look forward to receiving your order.
<TRIGGER Exclusive bundle> 『Cyberpunk: Edgerunners』【Special Features】Blu-ray BOX+Exclusive Bonus Nendoroid of Lucy Spacesuit Ver.
■Reservation Period
Till January 21, 2025 (Tue) 23:59 JST
One entry limit per person:
Each individual may submit only one lottery application. Multiple applications will result in disqualification.
Regarding the signature:
The recipient's name will be written near the signature. Requests for nicknames or other names will not be accepted.